Friday, April 11, 2014

Super Hero

This is my super hero project.  It contains a picture of myself, one in the background and one in the foreground.  The superhero's name is The CropDuster and his powers include ripening fruit, vegetables etc. and shooting balls of energy that look like small earths.  The background photo of me is a close up that utilized the hue and saturation tool, paintbrush tool, and seperating the shades of light on my face.  The foreground photo is simply a picture of me in the famous "kame-hame-ha" stance from Dragon Ball Z's Goku.  In this project i learned how to create a paint brush preset, which is how i printed the words on my face and in the white area behind it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The CropDuster Origin Story

The CropDuster as a child around fifth grade was "one of the cool kids" in school, and a bit of a bully.  One day on a field trip him and a bunch of his friends decided it would be fun to mess with one of the nerds.  Him and the other fifth grade kids decided to put the nerd into the tomato truck. It ruined the nerds life and forced him to evil.  The nerd vowed to destroy all crops in the northern Idaho area, and feeling responsible for his actions, the young cropduster vowed to protect all crops, beans and potatoes alike, in the Northern Idaho area.